Re-Setting Minimalist Mindset

Overwhelm is something that I have felt often. Much of my life has been spent trying for perfection and attempting to do it all. The unnecessary busyness, hustle and constantly feeling like I’ve fallen short has been enough to take my breath away.

Minimalism is my go-to when life just gets out of control. I was on my minimalism kick last year and then everything got chaotic again. My body began giving out, my mind was spinning, and my body got really sick.

I’m re-dedicating myself to minimalism because I have to. The switch from chaos/clutter/busyness to being content with less take a while to feel comfortable for me, because I’m so used to having the feeling of stress and a long to-do list. Although, it immediately brings relief, it still leaves me with a feeling of emptiness. That emptiness feeling can sometimes backfire, and make me go back to my old ways. My old ways of filling my time with unnecessary tasks, spending, and obsessing.

It’s totally worth the work because at the end of the day, all I’m really trying to do is to feel comfortable in my own skin and to feel relaxed in everything that I do.

Here’s what I’m currently focusing on in my minimalist re-set:

Less Social Media

I deactivated my Facebook account last year and it was wonderful. It didn’t take long to forget about it. Now that I have reactivated my account, I’d like to keep it open, just check-in less. I do love feeling connected and to use it as a means of entertainment, but nothing else. Once I start feeling like I have to compete with others, or when I feel like my life is not adding up to others – it’s time to unplug.

Decluttering and Cleaning up my Home

Ok, I’m a pro at decluttering. I am not scared to get garbage bags and chunk it away. However, when I lose sight of my ‘why’ I tend to go back shopping and over spending. Instead of rushing through my cleaning and decluttering, I am working on really doing this mindfully and soaking up the idea that this is a lifestyle, not a one time purge (I’ve made this mistake A LOT).

Staying with the Moment

One of the main reasons I am re-setting my minimalist mindset and doing less is because I have been going through the motions. Not truly listening and hearing my loved ones. I’ve been so exhausted and glassy-eyed recently that I literally ‘look through’ my loved ones when they are talking to me. Folks, I do what I do for them. My exhaustion and busyness is no longer an excuse to not hear what someone is telling me, not taste my meal, and to forget whether or not I brushed my teeth in the morning.

Doing Less

I gave up my side job. And although my money is way less now, I  already feel SO much better. That little additional paycheck is not even close to worth the stress it was bringing me. My resolve? Buy less.

Drinking More Water

I don’t eat many carbs a day. Sugar and start make me feel bad. However, I am addicted to diet sodas and Splenda sweet tea. I’ve been getting a lot of headaches and feeling pretty run down lately, and I am certain that the amount of artificial sweetener and dehydration is playing a part. So, I’m going to keep water with me during the day instead of sodas.

Teaching My Children More Independence

I’ve always been pretty big on this, but they are getting a little older now and at the age when they can help around the house a lot. Basically, if they can do it themselves, I am going to encourage them. I have been slipping on this because it takes less time for me to simply do the task then to walk my children through the how-to or raise the bar on my expectation as a parent. Now that I am giving up my side job, getting my house organized, and focusing on the moment, I can walk them through a task and have more patience with their reluctance than I could when I was working 12+ hours a day. I can not slack on this anymore because ‘I’m too busy’ because #1 it’s exhausting me having to do everything and #2 it is one of my main goals as a parent to teach my kids independence.

Loving Myself, My Body, and Practicing Self Care

This really needed to be at the top of the list. I’ve neglected my body and mind for far too long. I’ve spent waaaay too much money on beauty products and clothing trying to ‘feel pretty’ when in fact, I didn’t need to. Also, I need to raise my girls loving their body and showing them that the American Standard for beauty is ridiculous and will really, really mess with their self esteem as it did mine. I’m trying to un-do these feelings. As a matter of fact, I only wore mascara today to prove a point to myself. The No Makeup Movement is probably something I am going to experiment with and explore hard and heavy as well. Because we are all beautiful and deserve to love ourselves.

Wow, that list was long but I have a heavy heart and a lot of physical and mental clutter to process. All of these things are totally attainable and I am 100000% on board.

I also want to help others feel good about themselves, their belongings, and their life. Truly, less IS more.

No Poo: Hair that Smells like Hair – Pics & Weekend Updates

Ladies, imagine only taking 15 minutes to shower and primp in the mornings instead of 45-60 minutes. What would you do with your extra time?

I either use that time to be productive: put dinner in the crock pot or to chill: sip coffee on the front porch or do a little yoga.

My journey to simplicity has been a messy one, but the one thing I can say is that I love with a fiery passion extra time in my schedule. It recently dawned on me that I have been spending at least 6 hours a week on primping before work. That is almost a full nights rest or a full days work-for-pay.  Time that is being used to get ready for work. Work to pay for the beauty products and make-up that I keep using in this vicious cycle.


When I think of it that way it really makes me question why I am putting this kind of time into my daily routine.

I can still do the same amount of paid-for work without going all out on my looks, so why then am I wasting time on primping?

Which, let’s be serious. I love dolling up and stuff like that. A lot of girls do. But, at what expense?

I had fun this weekend experimenting with my lo poo and no poo routines. In the beginning I was using Burt’s Bees Shampoo & Conditioner. I didn’t love-love it. It felt a little waxy and of course my hair started getting oily during the transition.

So, I figured I would attempt using no poo at all. Simply water and that’s it.

The result was aweeeesome!


I had double the natural body upon air drying. And a lot of natural curl. I have never, ever had this kind of body and curl naturally.



Above is the closeup of the curl and body.

I’m starting my second week of going natural and it’s been interesting. I’ve enjoyed it, but I am also way out of my comfort zone.

My hair is not as oily at this point (still more oily than usual), but that is OK. It gives me a lot of body and grit to work with, naturally. I used to have to tease my hair to get body at my roots — not any more that’s for sure!

I have not used a hair dryer or flat iron/curling iron in several days now.

My hair air dries and it is pretty funny how depending on the day, my hair does it’s own thing!

Here’s me air drying after rinsing my hair with water only. This is about the 3rd day of only washing my hair with water. Not as curly & starting to dry out at the ends. I ended up adding the tiniest dab of grapeseed oil to the ends & it helped bring the curl back and moisturize.


Today it is unusual because I actually smell my hair. It’s not nasty or funky or gross, it literally smells like hair.

I’m not digging it – at all. I added lavender essential oil this morning, but the scent went away pretty fast. Now every once in a while I get a whiff of hair.


I’m trying a raw honey mixture. This will be the first time and I am excited to see what it does.

All in all so far I love using water only instead of the natural Burt’s Bees shampoos.

But, this hair smell though…

I hate to eat my words, but I am pretty sold on giving up chemical products. This is really working out well as far as body and texture goes! Very happy with the results! Plus, my oils are evening out so I am not so self conscious.

Also, I am still using my all natural body soaps – Zumbar and doing the Caveman Regimine with my face (water only). Loving them both and my skin is slowly improving.

Past no poo journey posts here:

Week 1 Update

Switching to Natural Hair & Face Care

Reason I’m Switching to Natural Hair Care

I have yet to tell anyone what I am doing and so far no one has even made a comment on my minimal make-up: cinnamon on my cheeks and mascara or eyeliner – no foundation and hair: no poo, air dried, no heat or style.

Perhaps I am the only one paying attention and wasting time in front of the mirror?

Natural Hair Product Transition: Week 1 Update

My Grandmother always told me when I was younger that I had ‘kind’ hair.

The kind that grows around a monkey’s butt!

Thanks, Granny.

It’s a good thing I am not easily offended. But, it really is true. I actually do have that kind of hair.

Fine, thin, dry, split ends, crispy and very hard to manage. It won’t grow out so I keep it short. It gets greasy on top and I have to wash every, single day and sometimes twice.

I’ve tried pretty much every shampoo on the shelf. From cheap to expensive. With and without conditioner. I blow dry and then flat iron it – eeevery day.

As time has passed, I totally accept my hair. I know that it’s not luxurious and never will be. I’m cool with that. However, I had a hair crisis last week where my hair literally started breaking off at the roots. Not to mention the front is so fried it’s just a frizz poof.

This incident led me to attempt the switch to shampoo and conditioner made with mostly natural ingredients. So far, I am trying out Burt’s Bees Very Volumizing Pomegranate products. This is the only products I am using, and for now I still wash my hair once daily. Also, I still blow dry but do not flat iron.

Ok, on to the update:

This is the first week of the switch. The grease is noticeably less. The first day after the switch was the worst. I was so nappy I couldn’t even stand it. But, I pushed through.

I absolutely have more volume than before! It lifts from the roots and appears fuller. So that’s awesome!

I’m having a tough time accepting my hair only blown dry. Flat ironing was my go-to for so many years. Now my hair just lays, curls, frizzes however it wants to. Basically, I just tell myself this is my God-Given hair and no body expects me to look like a celebrity, but still: I am out of my comfort zone and element.

I washed my hair this morning, gently towel dried it, and then used the hair dryer. I did not brush my hair. What? I know. I just wanted to see what would happen. It’s wavier than if I use a brush. Still playing around with my ‘get-ready’ routine.

My plan: to get a boar bristle brush to help brush the natural oils through my hair BEFORE washing. I used to brush my hair when wet (being lazy), but I will only to it before now.

I’m slowly transitioning. I still have to look and feel somewhat presentable at work so I simply can not rock the whole air dried and greasy look. Not happening. My hope is that after a while my hair will get used to the natural product and then I can wash maybe every other day. Then less and less as time goes on.

Another hope: my natural curl comes in and my hair shafts heal and get moisturized and I can actually air dry at night then go about my business the next day without doing a thing.

It’s a fun experiment and actually harder on my self-esteem than I thought. I’m ok being out of my comfort zone for now, so what’s there to lose except ‘kind hair?’

Oh, also — I’ve ordered my daughter Burt’s Bees Baby Body & Hair Wash. I want to try this in hopes that it helps her dry skin issue.

Below is a pic of my natural hair product ‘do. This is a week into my transition from chemically filled shampoos and conditioners to a more natural option.

I know, I know this doesn’t make you want to run out and try the more natural approach! Perhaps in time my hair will improve? I don’t know, but I’m excited to see.


Next on the agenda…natural body soap! Hooray! I have some dry skin patches and little red bumps on the back of my arms that have always pretty much been apart of me. Curious to see if a natural approach will help. It is very possible that regular soaps, body washes, and scented lotions are the culprit. We shall see because it’s worth a try!

Meditation for Rest & Clarity

Meditation has been a source of relaxation and reflection for me. At first it seemed unnatural and a little kooky.

I have been sold on it for about a month or so. It’s all gravy as soon as I am able to relax my forehead and crown of the head.

After I did my nightly yoga, I laid down right smack down in the middle of the living room floor and melted into a guided meditation.

Within minutes my body was in full relaxation and I gently feel asleep.

I choose this routine now instead of my nightly television watching session. Now, don’t get me wrong — I have some shows I am obsessed with and I will not miss once they come back on, but watching t.v. as relaxation for no good reason is just not working out for me.

Instead, I am relaxed. My mind is calm. My body is getting flexible and tone. I sleep better and have more clarity.

These positives can’t be found in mindless television.

When I lived on my own a few years ago, I didn’t have cable or Netflix. My antenna picked up the local news and that was all. My time was spent exercising, yoga, reading, and creating.

Somewhere along the way after marriage, television sucked me back in. Perhaps because my husband and I watch together once the children are asleep.

I miss the peace, though. This is why my yoga and meditation are welcomed back into my life.

It’s doing my body and soul some good and for that I am thankful!

The Abundance of Half

I am on a spending hiatus. My focus is to pay of credit card debt and I can’t do that by buying new clothes, trinkets, and home decor. Trust me. I have more than plenty already.

One thing remains. Food.

Food is a requirement, and although I am not hyper-focused on my food budget, I would still like to slim it up.

Today in the grocery store I had several snacks for my daughter. Before checking out, I realized that it was too much. Compulsively I had filled the buggy with unnecessary items.

I silently whispered to myself….”half.”

Half of the items were purchased, the rest put back on the shelf.

What I ended up with was plenty. More than plenty, actually.

True needs surface when we let go of surplus. The fear that we won’t ever have enough or get enough is staggering. The truth is, sometimes half of what you have is abundance.

Self Love: Keep Reality-Meter in Check

Appearance ideals have evolved tremendously throughout the years. Now, we have HDTV, photo enhancements, and celebrities who spend endless hours in the dressing room as the ideal.

Society’s view of beauty is simply not realistic. When we compare ourselves to magazine-edited photos, super models, and red carpet lifestyle, we have to really be careful not to let it influence the way we feel about ourselves.

We are real, our family is real, and our friends are real. I don’t recall the last time my bestie showed up flawless and airbrushed with body dimensions out-of-whack. I love her dearly and believe she is beautiful! I know what I look like without makeup and my hair styled, and I can still feel beautiful at the end of the day because I know it is real.

The line between fantasy and reality have been blurred immensely.

When I was growing up, prior to the HDTV and Photo-shopped images, I still struggled and compared myself to who I saw on television. I wanted so badly to look like those girls and women. It distorted my view of who I was and what beauty truly looked like.

Unfortunately, I had a long battle with anorexia that I had to overcome, and still to this day I have severe body image issues.

Young girls – especially – are subjected to this new airbrushed, distorted view of beauty. It kills me inside to know what it is doing to the young one’s self-esteem. If it was hard for me back then, I can’t even imagine what it is like now.

Women strive so hard for beauty. I don’t know if it born into us, or if it is learned. Either way it is a horrible feeling to feel less-than.

Men have also been brain-washed into thinking about beauty like this as well. They see these women on television salivating all over a Hardee’s hamburger and that is what they think dinner-time should look like. And, I will spare my rant on how porn has totally botched women’s sex life and the way we feel about ourselves in the sack. That’s probably a post for another day. Or, a book.

I did a little experiment with photo-editing on myself and the difference is intense. With a few clicks of a button, I lost weight, my waist became tiny, I got a tan, fuller lips, deeper-eyes, make-up and perfect skin.realitymeter

When I am feeling rough and being too hard on myself, I take a moment to remind myself of a few things.

  1. Society’s view of beauty is unrealistic. Photos of super starts is as real as unicorns and leprechauns.
  2. My body is beautiful. Scars, rolls, discoloration, and all! This body grew a human being, y’all! How much more awesome can a body really be?
  3. Focus on myself. I am tired of worrying about what other’s are doing or what other’s think of me. It really doesn’t matter anyway. Other people are not concerned about what I wear, or how I look anyway. Because, they are too worried about themselves to pay me any attention.

It can be hard, but men and women both need to keep the reality-meter in check. The world we actually live in is what is beautiful. Cut off the t.v. and give your spouse a kiss. They are real. Worry about things that matter and keep priorities in check to feel relaxed and successful. Quit keeping up with other people’s where-abouts and doings on Facebook, especially if it makes you feel like your life isn’t living up to standards. Enjoy yourself. Ponder over what all you have accomplished and create a beautiful future. You are beautiful. I am beautiful. We all are beautiful.

Intentional Passion: What to Do After You Have Simplified


Have you ever wondered what you are actually going to do with your time once you simplify?

Most of my youth was spent being social, filling up my calendar with to-do’s, and trying to out-do my own self from the previous day. I always felt like I should be doing more, being more, and have a crammed schedule to be productive. My childhood and high school self achieved many awards, popularity contests, and excelled above the rest in athletics. I went on to college and thrived academically, became a college cheerleader, worked a job while I studied, and made many friends and memories. Two days after college graduation, I began my full-time working career.

My twenties were spent balls to the wall chasing the American dream. I had a great job with benefits, got married, moved a few times, bought a house, got pregnant, and became a mom.

On paper, it sounds like a beautiful life. Perhaps I sound snobish, or super-privaliged. Yes, I have been blessed beyond measure but no pretty story goes without trials and a lot of dang work.

As I reflect on my current life, I can say that I have achieved my childhood dreams:

  • College Graduate
  • Employed with benefits
  • Married
  • Home Owner
  • Able to support myself & live on my own
  • Mother

And I am very proud of my achievements, I must say.

However, as I turned 30 and reflected within, I realized that I feel empty. The emptiness is there because I am missing some key points. I am:

  • Spending money I do not have; credit card debt
  • Forgoing my passions for a lifestyle that doesn’t fit my authentic self
  • Being so busy I forgot who I am
  • Giving so much to others, not taking care of myself
  • Not prepared for disaster; poor financial management, uncertain of my ability to cope, anxiety issues.
  • Not loving myself for who I am; body issues, neglect, ragged-out, not making time for a passionate, intentional life

After I realized where my frustrations were coming from, I knew I had to make some drastic change.

Most of all, I want to live an intentional, passionate life.

I am responsible for creating the life I want. We are all responsible for our own lives and creating the life we want. Unfortunately, sitting back and waiting on our life to change without doing the hard work just won’t get the job done.

While simplifying your schedule is wonderful, and de-cluttering is fantastic, there is still a lot of internal change and external action that has to be done as well.

  1. Identify issues & create solutions. No problem can be solved without a solution. I’ve heard that complaints without a solution is called whining. So, instead of continuing to feel empty and whiny I am making some change that is making a big impact. I now have simplified my wardrobe. Decisions about my appearance have become easier. Laundry is drastically less, meaning more time at home snuggling baby-girl instead of washing and folding clothes. I opened my etsy shop and have been creating passionate work, I am writing an eBook, and am writing here on Mrs. Minimalist. Debt is being reduced due to a financial plan, and I am being gentle on myself. I make time to enjoy a bubble bath in the evenings, streamline mealtimes, and am not spending money as a sport.
  2. Spending time wisely. Are you comfortable in silence? I used to not be, but now I crave it. I don’t think I am ever wasting time, even if I am sitting on my tush staring at the walls. If time is enjoyed being wasted, it is not wasted time. I have a lot more free time since I am living a more deliberate, intentional life. At first, it seemed strange. There seemed to be more time in the day than I remembered. I can create, imagine, play, and relax. That’s what I want to be doing anyways, so I feel refreshed, I can think clearer, and enjoy myself.
  3. Get rid of busy work. Focus on the most important things to do during the day. Just because you are bustling around crazy doesn’t mean you are doing anything important. Pick the most important things to do for the day, and accomplish those. For me it is, getting to work on time, doing my most important work related tasks for my employer, designing on my etsy shop for additional income, writing on Mrs. Minimalist, working on my eBook, spending time with my family, relaxing, and getting a good night’s rest. These are my most important things. I am focusing on my work, passions, family, and myself all in a day’s work. If the dishes have to go an extra day, and trivial e-mail doesn’t get answered, then oh, well!
  4. Practice gratefulness. If you have already gotten rid of tedious tasks, the extra time may seem unusually empty. Enjoy this space. You will notice that you will start getting to know yourself and your thoughts again. Put into action what you are wanting to accomplish. More exercise? Go outside. More family time? Turn off your social media and play with your kids. Better relationship? Turn off the television and snuggle and talk with your spouse. Don’t expect this to just happen on its own. You have to create it.
  5. Do what you have always wanted to do. We are not a slave to our jobs, money, or other people. We are in charge of our time and our life. Do something you have always wanted to do. Get out of your comfort zone. Starting my etsy shop was a passion I always wanted to do. I made it happen. I want to write an eBook. I am working on it. I was scared to get my thoughts out on a blog, but here I am. I want to be an inspiration. I want my work to matter. I want to make a difference in my own life and others.

Life is a journey. Once we realize that we are in charge of our time, we can then truly make our dreams come true. It is powerful to make positive change in our lives. Sometimes, starting in the right direction is all it will take. Work hard on what matters most, and let go of the rest. Breathe deeply and take care of yourself first. Be grateful for who you are and what you already have. Be the inspiration you always wanted to be.

Life Survival Kit: Be Prepared for the Tough Stuff


You know how life is rocking by and all of a sudden BAM! That life you were living is suddenly changed. It could be the loss of a job, death of a loved one, or marital disaster. One way or another, we all hit a major speed bump along the way. Disaster is sure to strike, and it can seem like catastrope if preventative measures were not in place before doomsday.

Our lives are notoriously changing and adapting for better or worse along the way. There is no sure way to plan for it or prevent it.

There are a few things I have learned since going through some disasters  of my own. I call it my Life Survival Kit, and when defined, maintained, groomed, and put to action can really be helpful when things aren’t going so well.

1. Stop and reflect. Try not to panic. Our reaction to a situation is the only thing we can control. Sometimes, what happens to us seems so big, we feel that we can never overcome.  When tradegy strikes, awaken yourself. Review your personal brand, values, and mission statement first. Put those into action to squelch fear.

2. Be kind to yourself. It is inevetibale that you may feel defeated, betrayed, angry or sad. That is normal, and quite frankly, makes you human. Allow emotions to appear, feel it, then let it go. Harboring fierce emotions is extra weight to carry. Gently move through the emotional roller coaster. If you need to cry, grab a box of chocolates, relax in a bubble bath, and cry your eyes out. Once you calm down, get out, and do something that you love to do.

3. De-Clutter. There is something powerful in letting go of your material possessions. Having a clear space and extra room is exhilirating. Pick a space to de-clutter if you find yourself in the dumps. Letting go of the old, welcomes space for the new. Enjoy the clean space. Our surroundings is in direct correlation to our emotional/mental state. Symbolically de-clutter your space, while simultaneously de-cluttering your mind.

4. Take care of you. We can get in the routine of giving so much of ourselves to others. If disaster strikes, it is imperitave to take care of ourself before we can do anything about the situation. Go easy on yourself.

5. Actively keep finances in order. Creating a budget in the middle of a disaster is not the time to start. Start now before times get tough. I was laid of from my job last year without a dime in my bank account. Talk about freaked out. I learned my lesson the hard way. Pay off debt now! Have something in your savings for a rainy day. Taking care of finances now, is one less thing to have to worry about in the middle of a storm. Trust me on this one.

6. Know who you are at the core. Stay true to your core, always. When times get tough, your values can be jeprodized. Be confident in yourself. Believe in yourself. And no matter what happens, be yourself.

There is no perfect solution on what to do when things go crazy. However, being prepared in the now before times get tough is best. You will be better suited to move through turmoil with more confidence if you begin taking care of the important stuff today. I try to do the important stuff now. I have tried rocking along unprepared, and then disaster strikes. In those times, I would give anything to have been better prepared. Now that I am older and have more experience, actively keeping my important priorites in line constantly keeps me prepared for so many things.

Know who you are. Let go of things you can’t control. Don’t spend more than you make. Take care of yourself first.

Personal Branding : Guide


Personal branding is an important component to ensuring we are living to our true potential and that our values and actions are aligned to our authentic selves.

The chaos of life sometimes leaves us disconnected to our true self. This doesn’t mean that in the midst we should forget who we are and what we stand for.

When we are in constant swirl and fight with the life we have built around us, we can become tired, irritated, and overwhelmed.

I have learned to center myself and be true to my personal brand in the midst of my wild journey. It makes it easy to adjust and come back to my “brand” when I have clearly defined myself.

Building a personal brand doesn’t take sweat and tears. It is a simple exercise that can be done in just a few simple steps.

  • Mission Statement. Do you have one? I went years without one, and finally sat down for a few moments and defined my personal mission statement. Not only is it important for successful businesses to have a mission statement, it is vital for individuals to have one as well. My personal mission statement:

I am love and compassion. I seek to find a healthy balance between my mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is important for me to live a passionate, simple, and impactful existence. My intention is to grow independently and adjust to change with flexibility and grace. My character will reflect my true values of honesty, integrity, joy, and empathy. With God as my guiding compass, I will conquer, maintain, and establish consistent harmony between my heart and outside influences.

  • Define values. We get off balance when our actions do not match our intentions. For us to become whole and happy we must ensure that we are acting out our values every, single day. My values:

Honesty, integrity, compassion, love, empathy, understanding, grace, mercy, simple-living, living within my means, service, & punctuality.

  • Know yourself. If you have been disconnected from your authentic core, whether it is due to your career, becoming a parent, giving more than receiving in a marriage, mismanagement of time, unhealthy addictions, comparisons to others, etc. you may feel like you don’t even know who you are anymore. We can’t take care and love others to our potential if we do not love ourselves. My authentic self:

I need to show love and to feel loved from my family. I like having alone time and sometimes get irritated if I am not able to get away sometimes. My unique personality sometimes does not align with what other’s believe, and that’s ok. Doing my absolute best in every aspect of my life is priority, and although I haven’t always given myself grace, I now know that failure is OK. I aim to do my best, and if it isn’t good enough, I let it go. Relaxing in pj’s and wasting time that I enjoy does not make me feel guilty. Time enjoyed wasting is not wasted time. It’s important that I eat as healthy as possible to fuel my body and keep in check. Although I don’t exercise as much as I used to, I am a busy person. I am raising my daughter with my whole heart and soul. I consider chasing her around and playing toys to be enough exercise to take down the largest beast! My way isn’t always the right way, but I sure do like to think it is. I am open to change and growth and have learned to ride the waves of life and consider it a precious journey. When my values and actions align themselves, I am most happy. I need sunshine, freedom, and a chance to try. My passions are important to me, and I make the necessary time to fulfill them. When I don’t, I feel disconnected.

  • Action. Your personal brand should reflect your inner self. Know some solutions {come up with them if you haven’t already!} to make certain that your life aligns with who you are.

Punctuality – Leave 10 minutes early instead of rushing around to arrive on time.

Honesty – Don’t do anything I have to lie about in the first place! Honesty is always best. Lies have to be kept up with, maintained, stored, and changed. Being honest builds credibility and releases me from the confinement of lies.

Compassion – People aren’t perfect. I am not, so I don’t expect others to be either. My personal bubble will not keep me from showing others compassion. The world doesn’t revolve around me all the time.

Love – See above. A life without loving is no life at all.

Grace – I am a living, thriving, changing organism. Failure is a part of life, but so is success! I aim to learn from my mistakes and do bigger and better the next time.

Simple Living – I will live between my means. My budget is to be followed and I will use creativity to use what I have first before purchasing. I will use a simple life to focus on the most important people and experience, not waste it on material possessions.

Your personal brand is important. Living your mission statement may not always be easy. However, if you know who you are at the core, you can better live out your mission. I know that I am way off balance when my brand and actions aren’t aligned. Now that I have defined who I am, have solutions to issues, and ideas on how to better live out my values, my brand will be easier to follow.

When other’s talk about me, I want them to say…

Hey, I know her! She is loving, honest, reliable, compassionate, full of grace, easy to be around, relaxed, and fun!

I don’t want them to attach me to my things. Who cares what car I drive if I am an irritable, old bat?

If you are interested in doing a one-on-one with yourself and defining who you are and coming up with an action plan, these few steps will help get the ball rolling.

5 Easy De-cluttering Hacks


Clutter has a way of collecting and piling up around us. That clutter builds in our space, and then builds even bigger in our mind. When my home is heaped up in dirty clothes, paperwork, and dirty dishes, my anxiety spikes. When everything is cleaned up, I can relax again. I am not Type A or an expert in cleaning house that’s for sure, but I have found a few ways that help me keep my space open and clean without much effort.

I would like to share 5 easy ways to de-clutter quickly and efficiently.

1. Define a space that is cluttered and bothersome. If you have a space in your home that is cluttered and constantly bugging, that’s a good place to start. Give yourself a 5 minute window to clear as much as possible. Set a timer if that helps. Clear as much off as possible in that 5 minute span. Throw trash away and put everything where it goes. 5 minutes isn’t a long time and you can clear away and de-clutter so much! If after 5 minutes you want to keep going, by all means do it! If not, pat yourself on the back for progress and do another 5 minutes later, or the next day.

2. Use a basket for a large space. If the space you are clearing has a lot of things that need to be dispersed in different rooms in your home, grab a laundry basket before you begin. Stuffed animals, clothes, paperwork, etc. can be thrown off the space and into the basket. After you clear, take the laundry basket around with you and put everything away in the rooms where it needs to go. This makes it a quick way to put everything back without taking lots of trips back and forth.

3. Find a home for everything. If you don’t have a home for your items, declare one as you de-clutter. Put paperwork in an unused cabinet, car keys on a hanger, shoes in a basket by the door. Everything in your house should have a home, and that home is where it should live.

4. Once clean, keep it clean. You didn’t just de-clutter for nothing! Once you clean off an area, promise yourself to keep it clean. Keep items in their homes. A clear, flat space is serenity. Once you clear the clutter in your space, your mind will automatically relax.

5. Light a candle. Light a candle after you de-clutter. This signifies and seals the work you just did. The light flickering away in a clutter-free place will shine bright. Use this as a reminder of your hard work and breath easy knowing you have wide open spaces!

There are so many ways to clean, clear, and de-clutter. Find a way that works for you. I have learned that it is not an organizational method, so much as we have too much stuff. Get rid of duplicates, let go of anything outdated, broken, or unused. The less stuff you have, the less cleaning there is to do. Remember that next time you want to go on a shopping spree!

By starting small, spending a little focused time in one area, and sealing your hard work with a candle is little work with a lot of impact. Set yourself up to win. Dedicate to your space, clear and clean and then relax.