Rule#1: Simplify Your Life – Clearing the Bookshelf

simplifyyourlifeI had this bookshelf stuck in my hallway.

It was covered in books on display and baskets full of cords and craft supplies. It was bugging me because everytime I walked to the restroom it was in the way. Then I asked myself a simple question:

Why do I have this bookshelf? Can these items be donated or stored away out of sight for later use?

The answer was really simple. Yes. Not one item on that shelf needed to be displayed.

So, I took all of 10 minutes and cleared it off. Some things I donated, like books I have already read. Other stuff was stored away in empty drawers to be used at a later time. Asking myself why I kept all of this stuff on display was all I really needed to motivate me to clear it off and move the shelf.

Now I have a clear walkway!

It is important to identify what is holding you back. Once you ask yourself the important questions, it makes it easier to just simply let go.

Now that I have moved the bookshelf I can:

  • Walk through the hallway without knocking something off into the floor
  • Relax and not continually tell my daughter “no” when she tries knocking something off the shelf
  • Have a clear space to hang a pretty picture

This is an easy concept that goes deeper than just cleaning off a bookshelf. It is an opportunity to figure out what is important to you. When there is clear space, you can actually decide what you want in that particular area of life or home, instead of just clutter.

We all have a tendency to rely on our belongings as our self worth. When it is not there as a crutch, we can look deeper within ourselves and recognize what is the most important people or things to have in our life.

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