The Abundance of Half

I am on a spending hiatus. My focus is to pay of credit card debt and I can’t do that by buying new clothes, trinkets, and home decor. Trust me. I have more than plenty already.

One thing remains. Food.

Food is a requirement, and although I am not hyper-focused on my food budget, I would still like to slim it up.

Today in the grocery store I had several snacks for my daughter. Before checking out, I realized that it was too much. Compulsively I had filled the buggy with unnecessary items.

I silently whispered to myself….”half.”

Half of the items were purchased, the rest put back on the shelf.

What I ended up with was plenty. More than plenty, actually.

True needs surface when we let go of surplus. The fear that we won’t ever have enough or get enough is staggering. The truth is, sometimes half of what you have is abundance.

5 thoughts on “The Abundance of Half

  1. I love this concept of half. Even when writing down an exact meal plan for week and trying to purchase just those items we need on the list it becomes so tempting to put some extra’s in the cart just in case.


    1. That’s great, Anne Lene! It works so well for major decluttering for me as well. Now if I can just watch half as much tv, run my mouth half as much, eat half as much, and buy half as much I would be set 🙂


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